ACR Health’s Hepatitis C Patient Navigator Program provides individualized Hep C care management services.
The goal of the Hep C Patient Navigation Program is to identify people at risk for HCV, support complete diagnostic testing, and link infected patients to medical care, support a complete HCV medical evaluation and successful HCV treatment, and prevent reinfection to maintain liver health after cure. Navigation services include the following:
- Outreach and enrollment
- Prevention
- Navigation through complete diagnostic testing
- Patient navigation assessment
- Development of a patient navigation care plan
- Linkage to HCV medical care, retention in care, and return to care
- Health promotion
- Medical interpretation
- Referrals and assistance in accessing supportive services
- Accompaniment and reminders
- Case conference with medical provider and multi-disciplinary team
- Treatment readiness and adherence counseling
- Medication/pharmacy assistance
- Discharge/transition planning